Friday, January 06, 2006

Natural Cooking

Natural cooking makes you feel better. It certainly makes your life simpler. Nevertheless, this is not the only reason why natural cooking is so appreciated; it is also considered one of the healthiest ways to prepare food.

Natural cooks use mainly seasonal fresh ingredients, grown locally. Soups, salads and vegetables appear regularly in the menu. Rice and pasta have a place, combined with flavorful sauces. Fish and meat are used in small quantities. Herbs, spices and other natural condiments provide flavor and aroma.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Daily menus and recipes most suited to every season: light cooking, usually grilling, baking or steaming, in the warmer season; rich sauces, baking or stewing, when it is cold.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Meal Pattern

Most people follow a pattern with three more substantial meals and two or three small snacks in between. The number of snacks and which meal, lunch or dinner, will be the main one, depends on habits, preferences and lifestyle. Feel free to organize your meals to your convenience. It is more common that one could think to follow a pattern on week days and a different one on the week end.